Now that I’ve graduated college, and will be “settling down” into a ~40 hour a week job, from being a full time student AND working two jobs totaling ~30 hours a week, I’m going to have a lot of free time. I definitely plan on writing more (so check back here more often :P), reading more for pleasure (rather than pain, I mean for boring classes), getting more exercise and spending more time outside whilst the weather is nice, and finally, playing the stacks of video games I’ve had building up for the past few years that I haven’t got a chance to play yet.

This brings me quite nicely to one of the projects I hope to accomplish this summer: building a Super Nintendo emulator system with a Raspberry Pi, using the instructions at and the software from RetroPie. Should be a fun way to learn more about how the Pis work, and get to play all the old classic games again (or for the first time, I wasn’t much of a gamer as a child).

I will be sure to post some photos of it when it’s all built, and any notes and issues (and solutions) I run into along the way. I probably won’t put it into a “fancy” original SNES case like the folks at supernintendopi did, but I’ll at least make it look professional with my home media centre setup (which BTW will be updated and changed around soon, so I’ll post about that too I suppose).


Until then, I plan on enjoying a little time off, doing pretty much nothing at all. Cheers to the summer (likely the last one I’ll ever have…)!